It’s not always easy for senior citizens to find independent senior housing communities that allow pets – or a pet-friendly community that has available apartments. Nevertheless, if you have a beloved dog or cat, don’t give up on your dream of bringing your companion animal with you when you move. You may feel discouraged at the moment and may have even considered giving your pet to a family member you trust.…
Mood swings, sleep disturbances, hot flashes, night sweats, and weight gain are all normal parts of going through menopause. Hormone replacement therapy used to be standard treatment for these symptoms, but the use of synthetic hormones has fallen out of favor in recent years due to increasing evidence that they may pose significant health risks. Although most modern experts agree that synthetic hormones can play a part in reducing menopausal symptoms in some women, many prefer to seek out natural alternatives.…
Since the changes going on inside the body during pregnancy are easy to see, many pregnant women are forewarned and know what to expect. The changes inside the mind, however, are much more difficult to spot and are often downplayed to save face. As a result, many pregnant women are caught off guard by nightmares, emotional outbursts and other related symptoms. Since stress caused by these emotional symptoms can affect the pregnant woman’s health, it’s important to go through treatment to regain a healthy mindset.…
Congratulations on finally kicking your crack cocaine or methamphetamine habit. If you’re ready to get your life back on track and to re-enter the workforce, there may be a few steps that you will want to take first. Unfortunately, your drug habit has probably wreaked havoc on your body, especially your teeth, and may have also left a gaping hole in your resume. So before you start filling out those applications and going on interviews, consider doing the following:…
If you are pregnant, you’ll spend a lot of time at your doctor’s office, particularly as you get into the final stretch. By the time you are 36 weeks pregnant, your little one will most likely be in the head-down position in anticipation for the birth. According to BabyCenter, 97% of babies are in the head-first position by the time they are full-term, which happens at 37 weeks. For the three percent of babies who are buttocks- or feet-first, also called breech, a C-section will usually be scheduled, because breech deliveries are more dangerous for the mom and the baby.…
Did you know the shoes you wear can sometimes have a drastic effect on the health of your feet? If you’ve noticed stiffness, pain, and arching in some of your toes, you might be suffering from a condition called hammer toe, which is caused by overly tight shoes. Hammer toe can lead to more serious conditions if not treated promptly, so you should be aware of what it is and what you can do if you suspect you have it.…
Sleep apnea is nothing to sneeze at–it’s a serious condition that affects nearly 18 million Americans each and every year. While most patients use CPAP machines, others are able to get by with simple lifestyle modifications. If you’ve been diagnosed with this condition recently, you should know that there are many ways to help ensure that you get a good sleep each night. Read on to learn more about the simple, yet important ways that you can stay well-rested.…
In movies and television, narcolepsy is usually portrayed in a funny way; someone will fall asleep immediately when exposed to a trigger. In real life, narcolepsy is not so obvious- of the 200,000 estimated Americans that have the disorder, only 25% of them are diagnosed. You could be living with narcolepsy and not even know it!
Causes of Narcolepsy
Narcolepsy is best described as excessive sleepiness during the day. The cause is not entirely known, but scientists theorize that it is caused by abnormalities in the hypocretin neurons of your brain.…
If you are thinking about undergoing a cosmetic dermatology procedure, you will want to make the most out of the results. While your dermatologist will explain the things you need to do in order to prevent complications such as infection or bleeding, there are a few things you can do at home to help ensure that your cosmetic procedure enhances your appearance as much as possible:
Stay Hydrated
While recovering from your cosmetic dermatology procedure, drink plenty of non-caffeinated fluids.…
While you are most likely familiar with arthritis, you may not understand the condition is different from osteoarthritis. In most cases, traditional cases of arthritis damages the cartilage and joins, but osteoarthritis is a more involved damaging that occurs with time.
Affecting over 25 million Americans today, osteoarthritis causes pain and discomfort in and around your joints due to prolonged wear and tear. If you believe you are suffering with this common form of arthritis or seeking advice from a doctor, this guide can help you understand and treat the pain associated with the condition.…