High Blood Sugar: Is It Behind Your Unexplained Vision Problems?
If you begin experiencing vision problems after eating sweet treats or drinking sugary beverages, check your blood sugar levels. People with diabetes or high blood sugar can develop eye problems, such as blurred vision and headaches, after consuming too much sugar. If you don't know for sure that you have diabetes, it's a good idea that you allow a doctor to test you for the disease, as well as see an eye doctor to examine your eyes.
How Can High Blood Sugar Affect Your Vision?
Diabetes is one of the most dangerous diseases in the United States. The disease can cause a number of problems for your health, including your vision. However, not many people know that they have high blood sugar until it's too late.
Your blood sugar, or glucose, rises slightly every time you eat or drink something. Under normal circumstances, the sugar content in your blood lowers after your body digests your food. But for some people, their blood sugar levels can stay high and eventually lead to diabetes.
When diabetes affects your vision, the symptoms can be both baffling and disruptive, because many of the symptoms can be temporary occurrences. For instance, your vision might blur after you drink a soda or eat a sweet treat. The blurriness usually goes away after a few minutes or so. Undiagnosed diabetes can cause other, more serious problems with your eyes, including retinal damage and cataracts.
How Do You Lower Your Blood Sugar and Protect Your Vision?
It's essential that you have your blood sugar checked right away. If you do have diabetes, a doctor can provide treatments to help you control or manage your condition. Afterward, see an optometrist for an eye exam. An exam can help an eye specialist locate potential problems, such as cataracts and retinal damage, before they become unmanageable.
If your high blood sugar didn't cause too much damage to your eyes, an optometrist may monitor your vision over time. Some people may need eyeglasses to control their vision issues. If your vision becomes worse, an eye doctor may prescribe glasses in a stronger strength.
You can also manage your diabetes and vision at home by eating healthier foods. Your regular doctor and/or eye doctor may place you on a special diet to keep your blood sugar levels in check. If changes do occur in your vision, consult with an optometrist immediately to avoid permanent damage to your eyes.
To learn more about high blood sugar's effects on your vision, contact an eye doctor today.