Elements of Eye and Contact Lens Care
In today's busy life, it can be tough to take the time to care for yourself. However, when possible, staying healthy should be a top priority. When trying to take good care of yourself, it's important to remember your eyes.
Regular Exams
The best way to keep your eyes healthy is to attend regular eye examinations. It's best to get it done once a year. Eye care is covered by many forms of insurance these days, but if your insurance does not cover it, you will have to fish around for the best prices and deals. The optometrist will let you know if you need corrective lenses or have eye infections or eye diseases. It's normal to need corrective lenses, especially if siblings or parents have them. You can choose between eyeglasses and contact lenses, or get both. It's also important to get a vision field test each year when you go in for your exam. This test will alert the eye specialties of early signs of problems. If you end up with contacts, here are some tips.
Tips for Contact Lenses
- Hand Washing. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly before putting in or taking out your contacts. Optimally, hand washing should take thirty seconds and the whole hand, including between your fingers and around your fingernails, should be washed with quality hand-soap. Do not use hand-sanitizer as it can burn your eyes and cause mild or serious injury.
- Quality Solution. Be sure you know what kind of solution you are using to store your contacts when you're not wearing them. Many solutions require rinsing and gentle rubbing of the lenses to clean them. If you don't want that hassle, make sure your solution says "no rub" on the bottle. Change out the contact solution once a day for best storage. Replace your contact case once a month or disinfect it by boiling it for a few minutes.
- Re-wetting Drops. If you have dry or itchy eyes, you may find that contacts fall out or feel worn out before the time they are supposed to expire. In these cases, refreshing your eyes with re-wetting drops can help a great deal. Never share a bottle of re-wetting drops with another person, even a relative, as this spreads germs between eyes. Try to avoid touching the tip of the bottle with your fingers or anything else.
- Longevity. A pair of contacts only lasts for a certain amount of time, usually from a week to a month. Replace old lenses with new pairs as recommended by the optometrist. You should only wear your contacts for twelve to sixteen hours per day. If you wear them for longer, they will expire sooner and tire out your eyes. Try to avoid sleeping with your contacts in. Over time, this can cause serious problems for your eyes. It's best to get in the habit of taking them out before bed when you brush your teeth or wash your face.
For more information, talk with professionals at places like Absolute Vision Care.