3 Tips For Avoiding Laced Drinks Used In Date Rape
Not all instances of date rape occur as a result of aggressive acts by a perpetrator. In some cases, a perpetrator will discreetly use drugs to incapacitate their victim. Although there is no way to eliminate the risk of date rape, avoiding beverages that have been laced with drugs can help.
Invest In Test Kits
There are test kits widely available that can be used to identify some of the more common drugs used in date rape. In addition to rohypnol, prescription medications used for pain relief or anxiety might also be slipped into drinks. These drugs can result in amnesia, blackouts, or otherwise incapacitate a victim, especially since their effects are magnified by alcohol. Pocket size date rape drug test kits allow you to discreetly test your drinks when you are in situations that are potentially high-risk, such as dating or a nightclub. In many cases, the tests are small and only require you to place a drop of the drink on the test. When you use test kits, it is important to test all drinks, regardless if they are alcoholic or not. Additionally, testing your drink as soon as you receive it is also important, since a drug can be added to your drink before it ever reaches you.
Keep An Eye On Your Drink
Whenever possible, you may want to stand at the bar and watch your drink being fixed. If anything looks usual, do not feel obligated to consume the drink. Keeping an eye on your drink once it's served may help you notice if anyone adds a drug. Generally, holding your drink with your hand over top of the cup can offer a layer of protection, even when your eyes are not on your drink. If you must leave your drink or leave it in the presence of someone you do not know well, it is best to not drink it once you return. Drinking alcohol responsibly is important and cannot be overstated. The more alcohol you consume, the less inhibited you become and you might be less likely to monitor your drinks or worse, become incapacitated.
Exercise Caution
Although date rape can occur in any situation, it helps to be more vigilant when you are around unfamiliar people or are in new situations. If you are going out with a new person, group dates are a better alternative than a one-on-one date at first. When you go out on a date alone, be certain to tell someone you trust where you are going and who you will meet. Ideally, you will have some information about the person to leave with your friend or family member, such as a phone number, license plate, or other identifying information. Some location-based apps allow designated people to view your movements on a map. This is a good safety feature if anything bad were to happen.
Dating and enjoying nightclubs can be a fun experience, but you should continue to remain vigilant. Common safety tactics combined with test kits is your best defense against being drugged and incapacitated.