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High Blood Sugar: Is It Behind Your Unexplained Vision Problems?

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If you begin experiencing vision problems after eating sweet treats or drinking sugary beverages, check your blood sugar levels. People with diabetes or high blood sugar can develop eye problems, such as blurred vision and headaches, after consuming too much sugar. If you don’t know for sure that you have diabetes, it’s a good idea that you allow a doctor to test you for the disease, as well as see an eye doctor to examine your eyes.…

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Itchy, Red Patches On The Skin: Do You Have Psoriasis?

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If you develop itchy, red patches on your scalp, elbows, or another area of skin, you may wonder if the condition is contagious or dangerous. Your skin problem may be caused by psoriasis, a condition that affects both men and women. Although psoriasis isn’t contagious, it can become bad enough to disfigure, or scar, the skin it affects. To keep your skin and body healthy, it’s essential that you learn more about psoriasis.…

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What You Can Do To Prepare For Your Next Dental Appointment

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Much like going to your general physician, it’s extremely important for you to make dental appointments a priority. Not only does a dentist examine the condition of your teeth and gums, but they can also check for other ailments that you may not even be aware that you have. However, if you have a dental visit coming up, it’s vital for you to prepare for it. You don’t want to simply sit in the chair and have your teeth cleaned; you want to be armed with the right information so your dentist can make an accurate diagnosis.…

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Did You Have A Silent Heart Attack?

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A silent heart attacks increases your chances of having a fatal heart attack. Therefore, it is important that you are aware of your risk factors and the symptoms. If you are concerned about your health, here is what you need to know.   What Puts You at Risk of a Silent Heart Attack? The risk factors for a silent heart attack do not differ from a heart attack. The factors include a family history of heart disease and high blood pressure.…

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3 Things To Look For In A Family Practice Doctor

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When you are looking for a great doctor to take all your family to, then you want to choose a practitioner who can treat infants to adults during your busy schedule. School, work, and other activities can make it difficult to find the right doctor for your needs. Here are things you should look for when choosing a family practice. Vaccinations on-site Many doctor’s offices opt out of doing vaccinations in their clinics, either to save money or because they don’t have trained nurses to do the work.…

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Ways To Treat Back Pain From A Muscle Strain

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Back pain has a variety of causes. The pain could be in your muscles, bones, joints, or nerves. The first step to finding relief is to be evaluated by a doctor who can uncover the cause so the right kind of treatment can be started. If your back pain came on suddenly when you were engaged in physical activity, you may have pulled a muscle. Muscle strains in the back can be very painful and make it difficult to move or take a deep breath.…

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A First Dental Exam For Your Child- What To Expect And How To Prepare

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If your child has never had a dental exam, he or she may be a little nervous about an upcoming appointment. Still, a dental exam is no reason to be afraid. Here are a few things that a child can expect to happen during an initial dental exam and what you can do to prepare your little one for the dental visit. What can your little one expect during the first dental visit?…

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How To Take Better Care Of Your Feet When Your Job Requires You To Stand All Day

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Working at a job that requires you to stand all day can be pretty hard on your feet. It’s not uncommon to come home at the end of the day with sore, aching feet and ankles – and you may even develop more serious injuries like plantar fasciitis and bunions. While the best thing for your feet is probably not to stand all day, this is not always an option. Here are some practical ways to make working on your feet easier on your feet.…

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2 Things To Keep In Mind After Your Radiation Therapy Ends

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Radiation therapy can often be one of the most difficult treatment options that you can undergo when you have been diagnosed with any type of cancer, mostly because of how hard it is on your body. However, there are a few things you can keep in mind after your radiation therapy ends that can actually help you recover as quickly and as safely as possible, such as the two items listed below.…

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3 Tips For Getting Your Contact Lenses To Last Longer

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Contact lenses are an amazing alternative to glasses when it comes to improving your vision. Many people also really like them because they are practically invisible to others, unlike glasses. However, because contact lenses aren’t cheap, it is very important that you take good care of them. Doing this is going to help them stay in good condition and last you for as long as possible. This article is going to discuss 3 tips for getting your contact lenses to last longer.…

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