If you ask most people to name risk factors for osteoporosis, they may list “being female” and a low calcium intake. But while females are at a much higher risk of osteoporosis than males—and not eating enough calcium can make the condition more likely—these are far from the only risk factors for osteoporosis. Take a look at these other risk factors, some of which you may be able to modify to reduce your own risk of weak, brittle bones.…
If you’re a man who is overnight, you might not mind having a bit of a belly. What you likely don’t like, however, is that the fat around your chest may not be overly flattering. While you should think about changing your diet and getting active in an effort to reduce your overall body fat, there are non-surgical procedures to consider that can target fat in specific areas. Coolsculpting treatments, which involves freezing the fat cells so that they reduce in size, is one such procedure to consider.…
When it comes to things you can find on your rabbit, maggots are just about the worst. Not only are the gross to look at, but the presence of maggots actually indicates that your rabbit has a condition called fly strike. This is a very serious, painful condition that can quickly lead to your rabbit’s death if you don’t act quickly. Here’s what you need to know.
What is fly strike?…