Boosting Your Immune System

Itchy, Red Patches On The Skin: Do You Have Psoriasis?

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If you develop itchy, red patches on your scalp, elbows, or another area of skin, you may wonder if the condition is contagious or dangerous. Your skin problem may be caused by psoriasis, a condition that affects both men and women. Although psoriasis isn’t contagious, it can become bad enough to disfigure, or scar, the skin it affects. To keep your skin and body healthy, it’s essential that you learn more about psoriasis.…

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What You Can Do To Prepare For Your Next Dental Appointment

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Much like going to your general physician, it’s extremely important for you to make dental appointments a priority. Not only does a dentist examine the condition of your teeth and gums, but they can also check for other ailments that you may not even be aware that you have. However, if you have a dental visit coming up, it’s vital for you to prepare for it. You don’t want to simply sit in the chair and have your teeth cleaned; you want to be armed with the right information so your dentist can make an accurate diagnosis.…

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Did You Have A Silent Heart Attack?

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A silent heart attacks increases your chances of having a fatal heart attack. Therefore, it is important that you are aware of your risk factors and the symptoms. If you are concerned about your health, here is what you need to know.   What Puts You at Risk of a Silent Heart Attack? The risk factors for a silent heart attack do not differ from a heart attack. The factors include a family history of heart disease and high blood pressure.…

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