Boosting Your Immune System

5 Things Lupus Sufferers Need to Know about Vitreous Hemorrhages

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Vitreous hemorrhages are an ocular emergency that can affect people with lupus. They occur when blood leaks into your vitreous, the gel-like substance inside your eyeballs. Here are five things lupus sufferers need to know about vitreous hemorrhages. How does lupus cause vitreous hemorrhages? Lupus causes vitreous hemorrhages in the same way it causes other health complications throughout your body. As you may already know, when you have lupus, your immune system mistakenly attacks your healthy tissues.…

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Facelift Surgery Recovery - How To Reduce Hematoma Complications

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If you receive a neck surgery along with your facelift, or if you smoke, take blood thinners, or have high blood pressure, then you may develop a hematoma after your facelift procedure. A hematoma occurs when blood pools under the tissues around the surgical area. A very large bruise will appear when this happens and your physician will likely need to drain the blood from your face. This is necessary because the hematoma can cause an infection to form, and it can also allow a blood clot to pull away from the hematoma and travel to the heart or brain.…

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3 Weight Loss Strategies Before Considering Surgery

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When you have tried almost every diet plan in the world and still fall off the wagon, you may feel like weight loss surgery is your only option. Before you go under the knife, many weight loss clinics offer non-surgical methods to help you lose weight and determine if bariatric surgery is really your best option. Hypnosis Hypnosis is often overlooked as a weight loss tool, but some people find the process is beneficial in helping them with behavior modification.…

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