When you have tried almost every diet plan in the world and still fall off the wagon, you may feel like weight loss surgery is your only option. Before you go under the knife, many weight loss clinics offer non-surgical methods to help you lose weight and determine if bariatric surgery is really your best option.
Hypnosis is often overlooked as a weight loss tool, but some people find the process is beneficial in helping them with behavior modification.…
During your pregnancy, you want to do all that you can to ensure that you are feeling well and that your baby is developing properly. Working with your midwife is a great way to ensure overall health. Your midwife might recommend a few different natural products for you to use during your pregnancy to make it a better experience overall.
One of the most unpleasant facets of being pregnant is the experience of morning sickness.…
If you have cancer and are about to start your first round of chemotherapy, then you are probably well aware that you may experience side effects that include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. While these side effects are the most common, you also may experience some troublesome skin issues. Skin problems can be quite uncomfortable and many issues can last several months after chemotherapy sessions stop. Keep reading to learn about a few of these problems and how they can be prevented and treated.…