Boosting Your Immune System

Improving Patient Journey Management Through Innovative Software

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In the medical field, numerous studies have demonstrated a marked improvement in treatment outcomes for patients who are invested in their treatment plan. These are patients who have been asked about their needs, wishes, and desires before a treatment plan is implemented and who are viewed as partners in their healthcare decisions. But for busy practices that see dozens of patients each day, this type of tailored treatment can be easier said than done.…

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3 Tips For Avoiding Laced Drinks Used In Date Rape

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Not all instances of date rape occur as a result of aggressive acts by a perpetrator. In some cases, a perpetrator will discreetly use drugs to incapacitate their victim. Although there is no way to eliminate the risk of date rape, avoiding beverages that have been laced with drugs can help. Invest In Test Kits There are test kits widely available that can be used to identify some of the more common drugs used in date rape.…

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How To Encourage A Feeling Of Fullness When On A Diet

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If you want to lose weight, but have a problem feeling full for a long period of time, then you may need a little bit of help with your plan to ensure that you feel full for longer. Keep reading to learn about some things that can help you. Eat More Protein Most people stay away from foods that are high in protein when they are on a diet. However, protein can make you feel full for longer.…

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