Boosting Your Immune System

Have Frequent Ear Infections Left Your Child With A Speech Impediment?

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If you’re one of the many parents dealing with a toddler or preschooler’s frequent ear infections, you may worry about the impact of these repeated infections on your child’s hearing – or even his or her ability to enunciate words. Toddler speech is notoriously rife with mispronunciation, lisping, and other harmless speech impediments, so determining what is normal and what may be the result of fluid in the ear can be a challenge, especially for first-time parents.…

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3 Non-Conventional Forms Of Pain Management Strategies

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Living with chronic pain can be difficult, tiring, and overwhelming, but there might be ways for you to find relief. Pain management is something that refers to methods people use to reduce the chronic pain they have, and there are many types of methods you could try that may help you reduce the pain you have. Here are three non-conventional types of strategies that can be effective for reducing pain for some people.…

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Healing Procedures After A Hand Tendon Surgery

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If you have injured one of your hands and have cut or ruptured one of your tendons, then surgery may be needed to stitch the two ends of the tendons back together. If a flexor tendon is in need of repair, then you will need to seek out an experienced and competent hand surgery specialist to carry out the operation. Once the operation is completed, you will need to go through some fairly extensive healing.…

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